VMR Gladstone Transitioned to MRQ Gladstone

About VMR Gladstone/MRQ Gladstone Volunteer Marine Rescue Gladstone (VMRG) was originally formed in 1971 as the Port Curtis Air Sea Rescue Association. In 1983, it was renamed, after affiliating with the governing state body, Volunteer Marine Rescue Assoc. Queensland Inc. (VMRAQ). Annually, Volunteer Marine Rescue Gladstone is called upon to undertake an average of 120…


VMR Round Hill

About VMR Round Hill Air Sea Rescue Round Hill was formed by a small group of locals who saw the need for a service to assist the boating public, because of Round Hill Creek’s unpredictable entrance.  It was realized that the boating public venturing into the creek would benefit from local knowledge. A meeting was…


VMR Bundaberg

About VMR Bundaberg VMR Bundaberg was formed in 1972 in response to an identified need to provide on water rescue services for vessels in distress in local waters. The Squadron is responsible for maintaining surveillance in an area extending 50 nautical miles offshore of the Central Queensland coast from Fairfax Group of Islands in the Bunker Group to…


VMR Hervey Bay

About VMR Hervey Bay VMR Hervey Bay provides the boating public in the Fraser Coast waters with a professional rescue service, available on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The Squadron operates from its Base at Urangan Boat Harbour, with an operational area inside Fraser Island from Stewart…
